Tortilla Chip Shrimp with Fresh Corn and Black Bean Salad

I pretty much make the same two New Year’s resolutions every year. Of course I have the usual good intentions of drinking less, eating more brown rice, and reading more non-fiction. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the two big ones, the two I take seriously are:

1. Floss Everyday

2. Be More Free-Spirited

The main goal I have in mind is happiness. How can one be a good mother, wife, role model, and person if one is not happy?  But just saying I want to be a happier person is much too vague. It’s a big world out there and if you don’t have specifics in mind you could easily get off track and end up somewhere pretty weird. Like at a drum circle at Little Beach. (Unless that’s your thing, then by all means- drum away!)

So it’s important to have action steps to stay focused.

Flossing everyday is pretty straight forward, but you can’t be happy if your teeth hurt…so I keep that one on the list.

Being more free-spirited ironically takes some planning. [Read more…]

Smokey Black Beans, Goat Cheese Polenta and Red Chili Tomato Sauce

Smokey Black Beans with Goat Cheese PolentaI am very proud of myself for making this dish. This is one of those “O-WOW” dinners. Why? Because the first time someone bites into this dish they will say “O-WOW!”

This dish came to me at the perfect time, I was having a week of cooking low self esteem. But I’m back now and spicier than ever!

Here’s what happened. It’s pet week at my daughters preschool. If you have a pet you can bring him in for show and tell. We only have fish, and there is not a day that goes by where my daughter doesn’t let me know that we only have fish and don’t have a dog. (I know, I know…)

So a bunch of moms were huddled around a table admiring something. I figured it was another hamster on a wheel, then I heard the words that stopped me in my tracks. “And you made them out of strawberries, that’s sooooo cute!”

Hmmm, I thought, what do we have here? Am I being challenged to a preschool snack day throw down? [Read more…]